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The Movement

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The Wanderers of Sutton High

Shaun D. Leroi- For a while now, Sutton High has been plagued with roamers who have either come down with senioritis or who are simply...

Divorce. How Does it Affect Teenagers?

Tianna Arsenault- 41% of all first marriages end in divorce, and 60% get divorced during their second marriage. One morning before...

Shipping Up to Worcester

Brian Kostiw- Since 1946, fans of all ages have flocked to McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, Rhode Island to watch baseball games. In 1970,...

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Editor In Chief

Alexia Louzado

3rd Year In Journalism

I love to write and I had a great time in my first year. It helped with my communication skills and writing skills.

I really like writing and I love to play volleyball, soccer, and tennis.

The hardest thing I'm doing now is applying for colleges and figuring out my future.

The 2018-19 Movement Staff is proud to announce the completion of our first newspaper of the year! This year we have also taken the initiative to move the paper to the online service you are currently using. With these great accomplishments, we also thought it would be beneficial that we, as a staff introduce each other to you. 

Additional Information


Thanks for your interest in The Sutton Movement. For more information, feel free to follow us our Twitter: @suttonmovement 

As well subscribing to our Video Production Class' Page for Daily Announcements on YouTube @suttonmemorialhighschool 

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